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Miscellaneous Recordings
Mystery bird (Brian Hansen, Milwaukee in June)
Carolina Wren in Pheasant Branch
Tufted Titmouse in Pheasant Branch
Red Crossbill (NW Wisconsin, near Solon Springs)
Red Crossbill flight (compare with sounds at bottom of page)
Screech Owl (Second Point, UW-Madison)
Unknown (grebe, snipe or duck in a sedge marsh in Central Wisconsin)
Osprey, Stoughton 6/25
Bird Burlesque Skit (6 be performed at Majestic Theater in Madison...warning: adult content)
Brood X 17-year Cicadas, Bloomington, IN 6/5
Unknown sound from Romania sent to me
Nightsounds 6/17
Bullfrog (at Horicon Marsh)
Common Nighthawk (above Waupun prison)
Virginia Rail (east of Mud Lake)
Chuck-will's-widow, Vernon County 6/7
Chuck-will's-widow (8 seconds)
Barred Owls going nuts, 6/7
Barred Owls (13 seconds)
Red-headed vs Red-bellied Woodpecker, Wyalusing SP, 5/8
At least 3 woodpeckers together, no good visual ID on which one was singing when.
C- Red-headed Woodpecker Chatter ?
D- Woodpeckers, baby crying Are those 2 different Red-bellies?
Crex Meadows 5/4/04
Wolves (or coyotes?)
Crex trio (Yellow Rail, Am Bittern, Sedge Wren)
Black-throated Green Cardinal, Pheasant Branch 4/28/04
Black-throated Green Cardinal MP3
Purple Finch, Pheasant Branch 4/28/04
Great Blue Heron, Devil's Lake SP 4/07/04
Great Blue Heron (2) Real Media
Snow Buntings, NW WI 2/03
Northern Saw-whet Owl whiny screams, Devil's Lake SP 11/19/03
Tundra Swan overhead at night, Devil's Lake SP 11/19/03
Unknown bats - actually Flying Squirrels, Devil's Lake SP 11/19/03
Unknown screams, Devil's Lake SP 11/19/03
Ducks overhead and hunters, Nine Springs 10/6/2003
Unusual Song Sparrow, Nine Springs 10/6/2003
Possible Jaeger and rainbow, Superior 9/27/2003
American Pipit and fog horn, Superior 9/27/2003
Bohemian Waxwing and American Bittern photos, Superior 9/28/2003
Bohemian Waxwing JPG American Bittern JPG
Cliff Swallows, UW-Green Bay 6/1/2003
Le Conte's Sparrow, Thunder Marsh 6/1/2003
White-eyed Vireo, Brooklyn Wildlife Area 6/2003
Northern Bobwhite, Crawford County 6/18/2003
White-crowned Sparrows, Dane County 5/9/2003
Red-necked Grebe, Dane County 4/13/2003
Fox Sparrows around Madison 4/10/2003
(With the noisy Beltline in the background)
foxsparrow1 foxsparrow2 foxsparrow3 foxsparrow4
Compare with Song Sparrows:
song sparrow whistles songsparrow 2
And this mystery sparrow around the same area (immature Song Sparrow?):
Another mystery sound...Fox sparrows or an unseen flushing woodcock?
Loons near the Mendota Mental Health hospital recorded 4/9/2003 at Governor's Island.
Trumpeter Swans recorded 9/19/2002 at Crex Meadows. Note the strong wing sounds as it flies overhead at the end:
Tundra Swans, recorded 12/11/2002 in Madison. Is there a Trumpeter Swan in there also?
Greater White-fronted Geese?, recorded 3/16/2003 on Harvey Rd. near Schoeberg Marsh, Columbia County. There's Canada Geese mixed in there, too (at the end at least). And as always, a plane is flying by.
Greater White-fronted Geese MP3
This is what happens if you get too close to the geese flock:
Red Crossbills, recorded 2/9/2003 in Burnett County, Wisconsin. Can anybody ID the type? (see Red Crossbill site at )
Red Crossbills fly overhead.mp3
Red Crossbills chip while eating.mp3
Here are a few spectrograms. Note that the vertical scale is not logarithmic so it might not correspond directly with most standard sonograms.